Tuesday, July 30, 2024

New Issue: Chinese Journal of International Law

The latest issue of the Chinese Journal of International Law (Vol. 23, no. 2, June 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Articles
    • Xinjun Zhang & Xidi Chen, The 2022 ICJ Judgment in Nicaragua v. Colombia: Towards a Theory of Exclusivity in Allocating Rights and Jurisdiction between the Coastal and Other States?
    • Brady Earley, Religious Freedom “with Chinese Characteristics”
  • Comment
    • Wumei Wei, Jurisdiction of a State Party under Article 2(1) of the ICCPR: A Comment on A.S. and Others v. Italy
  • Current Developments
    • Xinxiang Shi, Foreign State Immunity Law of China: A Preliminary Appraisal
  • Special Section of Letters: ILC Draft Conclusions on General Principles of Law Adopted on First Reading
    • Sienho Yee, Beijing Workshop on ILC Draft Conclusions on General Principles of Law Adopted on First Reading: An Editorial Note
    • Xiao Mao, Comments on the Text of the Draft Conclusions on General Principles of Law Adopted by the ILC on First Reading
    • Kaijun Pan, General Principles of Law as a Basis for Procedural Rules of International Organizations
    • Luping Zhang, ILC Draft Conclusions on General Principles of Law Through the Lens of Air and Space Law Practices
    • Tiantian He, How Simple Conclusions Carry Complex Issues: Some Thoughts on the Draft Conclusions on General Principles of Law
  • Letters to the Journal
    • Abhishek Trivedi, Monetary Gold Principle and the Case of Nicaragua v. Germany