Wednesday, June 5, 2024

New Issue: Netherlands International Law Review

The latest issue of the Netherlands International Law Review (Vol. 71, no. 1, May 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Externalisation of Migration and Border Controls and Accountability Challenges in International Law
    • Salvatore Fabio Nicolosi, Externalisation of Migration Controls: A Taxonomy of Practices and Their Implications in International and European Law
    • Violeta Moreno-Lax, Meta-Borders and the Rule of Law: From Externalisation to ‘Responsibilisation’ in Systems of Contactless Control
    • Annick Pijnenburg, Externalisation of Migration Control: Impunity or Accountability for Human Rights Violations?
    • Francesca Tammone, Challenging Externalization by Means of Article 4 ECHR: Towards New Avenues of Litigation for Victims of Human Trafficking?
    • Emilie McDonnell, Challenging Externalisation Through the Lens of the Human Right to Leave
    • Yota Negishi, Constructive Refoulement as Disguised Voluntary Return: The Internalised Externalisation of Migrants
    • Mona Aviat, Externalising Refoulement Through New Technologies: The Case of Frontex’s Specific Situational Pictures under the Lens of EU Non-Contractual Liability
    • Tineke Strik & Ruben Robbesom, Compliance or Complicity? An Analysis of the EU-Tunisia Deal in the Context of the Externalisation of Migration Control