Sunday, June 9, 2024

New Issue: London Review of International Law

The latest issue of the London Review of International Law (Vol. 12, no. 1, March 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Articles
    • José Duke Bagulaya, The psychiatrisation of international law in James Lorimer’s The Institutes
    • Ahmed Memon, ‘English in taste, Indian in blood’: caste hegemony in the making of British international legal thought
    • Walter Rech, Legal expertise and military strategy: Christine de Pizan on the laws of war
    • William Hamilton Byrne, Is critique part of the practice of international law?
    • Sean Molloy, The Universal Periodic Review and peace agreement implementation: conceptualising connections, challenges, and ways forward
  • Section Three
    • Barry Hill, Black Fire Burning With A Dark Gemlike Brilliance; White Rose (contd)