Thursday, May 9, 2024

New Issue: International Organizations Law Review

The latest issue of the International Organizations Law Review (Vol. 21, no. 1, 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Issue: The International Law of Regional Organizations
    • Samantha Besson & Eva Kassoti, The International Law of Regional Organizations – Mapping the Issues
    • Fernando Lusa Bordin & Jed Odermatt, International Law of Regional Organizations: A Comparative Perspective
    • Damian Chalmers, The Distinctiveness of Regional International Organization Law
    • Guy Fiti Sinclair, Between Functionalism and Hegemony: Regional International Organizations in the History of International Law
    • Samantha Besson, The Politics of Regional International Organizations: A New Dawn for the Political Legitimacy of International Law
    • Fabia Fernandes Carvalho, Regional International Organizations and Regionalism in the Theory of International Law
    • Catherine Brölmann, Regional Organizations in International Law: Exploring the Function-Territory Divide
    • Apollin Koagne Zouapet, States and Regional International Organizations
    • Kirsten Schmalenbach, The Relationship between rio s and the UN in Matters of Peace and Security: It’s Complicated
    • Eva Kassoti, The European Union and Other Regional International Organizations: Tales of Solidarity