- Samantha Besson, The ‘Human Right to Science’ qua right to participate in science: The participatory good of science and its human rights dimensions
- Heloisa Pinheiro de Castro Simão, The Cartagena ‘Spirit’ as a third world human rights alternative to refugee protection: lessons to learn from Brazil’s approach to Venezuelan socio-economic refugee
- Lieselotte Viaene & María Ximena González-Serrano, The right to be, to feel and to exist: Indigenous lawyers and strategic litigation over Indigenous territories in Guatemala
- Neve Gordon, On antisemitism and human rights
- Md. Intekhab Hossain, Resurgent totalitarianism, charismatic dictatorship, and the rise of socio-political extremism in the age of globalisation and multiculturalism: an escalating human rights crisis
- Genís Galceran & Juan Carlos Palacios, What makes transitional justice possible? An analysis of the Spanish case
- Mohammad Pizuar Hossain, Assessing the International Criminal Court’s response to genocide: a reference to the case of Al-Bashir
- Agne Limante, Protecting vulnerable groups in Europe: highlights from recent case law of the European Court of Human Rights
Friday, April 19, 2024
New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights
The latest issue of the International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 28, no. 4, 2024) is out. Contents include: