The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Relations (Vol. 30, no. 1, March 2024) is out. Contents include:
Jaakko Heiskanen & Paul Beaumon,
Reflex to turn: the rise of turn-talk in International Relations
- Alvina Hoffmann, What makes a spokesperson? Delegation and symbolic power in Crimea
Nicole De Silva & Anne Holthoefer, Hidden figures: how legal experts influence the design of international institutions
Yehonatan Abramson, Securitizing the nation beyond the state: diasporas as threats, victims, and assets
Tasniem Anwar, The law and politics of funding armed groups in Syria: how states (fail to) counter terrorism
Oliver P. Richmond,
Sandra Pogodda, &
Gëzim Visoka, The international dynamics of counter-peace
Felix Anderl &
Michael Hißen, How trust is lost: the Food Systems Summit 2021 and the delegitimation of UN food governance
Damian Raess, Disentangling public opposition to Chinese FDI: trade unions, patient capital, and members’ preferences over FDI inflows
Liane Hartnett, How love orders: an engagement with disciplinary International Relations
Travis Curtice &
Eric Reinhardt, The politics of human rights trade sanctions: evidence from the African Growth and Opportunity Act