Wednesday, February 14, 2024

New Issue: African Journal of International and Comparative Law

The latest issue of the African Journal of International and Comparative Law (Vol. 31, no. 4, November 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • M. R. Makhari, Post-Colonial Traditional Courts in Botswana, the Kingdom of Eswatini and South Africa
  • Sylvester Anya, Ndubuisi Nwafor & Collins Ajibo, Patterns of State Behaviour and Cooperation with the ICC: Whither Nigeria, Ghana and Senegal
  • Zia Akhtar, Universal Jurisdiction, Jus Cogens, and Suppression Conventions in the Aftermath of Lockerbie
  • Benedict Abrahamson Chigara, Torrens Imperatives for SADC Fast-track Land Reform Programmes
  • Albert Quashigah & Yorm A. Abledu, Criminalising and Punishing Non-Compliance with Petroleum Revenue Laws in Africa: Ghana's Experience with Non-Compliance
  • Jo-Marí Visser & Deonay Scholtz, Warnings From the West: Identification and Expert Evidence as Causes of Wrongful Convictions and the Implications for South Africa (Part 1)
  • Elinam De Souza, The Role of Law in Shaping a Single Currency: The European Experience in a West African Context
  • Bounekhel Abdellah & Aouachria Rokaya, The Role of the Practices of the International and Regional Human Rights Treaty Bodies in the Development and Codification of the Rules of International Law – The Reservation to Treaties as a Model
  • Roseline Omoye Ehiemua, Advancing Women's Rights to Joint Ownership of Matrimonial Property in Nigeria: Using Kenya as a Model