Friday, February 24, 2023

Ali, Balcerzak, Colombo, & Karton: Diversity in International Arbitration: Why it Matters and How to Sustain It

Shahla F. Ali
(Univ. of Hong Kong), Filip Balcerzak (Adam Mickiewicz Univ.), Giorgio Fabio Colombo (Nagoya Univ.) & Joshua Karton (Queen’s Univ.) have published Diversity in International Arbitration: Why it Matters and How to Sustain It (Edward Elgar Publishing 2022). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:

After decades of focus on harmonization, which for too many represents no more than Western legal dominance and a largely homogeneous arbitration practitioner community, this ground-breaking book explores the increasing attention being paid to the need for greater diversity in the international arbitration ecosystem. It examines diversity in all its forms, investigating how best to develop an international arbitral order that is not just tolerant of diversity, but that sustains and promotes diversity in concert with harmonized practices.