The latest issue of the
International Organizations Law Review (Vol. 19, no. 2, 2022) is out. Contents include:
Niamh Kinchin, ‘With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility’: Implied Obligations and the Responsibility to Protect
Lukasz Gruszczynski & Margherita Melillo, The Uneasy Coexistence of Expertise and Politics in the World Health Organization: Learning from the Experience of the Early Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Helmut Philipp Aust & Prisca Feihle, The WHO Foundation and the Law of International Organizations: Towards Better Funding for Global Health?
Gail C. Lythgoe, Distinct Persons; Distinct Territories: Rethinking the Spaces of International Organizations
Baine P. Kerr, Binding the International Maritime Organization to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Nicola Bonucci, Gabrielle Marceau, André-Philippe Ouellet, & Rebecca Walker, IGOs’ Initiatives as a Response to Crises and Unforeseen Needs