This article examines "human control" of autonomous systems and "human oversight" of artificial intelligence in the light of the international legal discussions and the EU’s recent proposal for an AI Act. It also identifies some weaknesses of the draft EU AI Act and proposes ways of improving it.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Beck & Burri: From 'Human Control' in International Law to 'Human Oversight' in the New EU Act on Artificial Intelligence
Juliane Beck (Univ. of St. Gallen) & Thomas Burri (Univ. of St. Gallen) have posted From 'Human Control' in International Law to 'Human Oversight' in the New EU Act on Artificial Intelligence (in Research Handbook on Meaningful Human Control of Artificial Intelligence Systems, Daniele Amoroso & Filippo Santoni De Sio eds., forthcoming). Here's the abstract: