The latest issue of
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (Vol. 22, no. 3, September 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Lynda Goldsworthy, Consensus decision-making in CCAMLR: Achilles’ heel or fundamental to its success?
Miguel Borrero & Santiago J. Rubio, An adaptation-mitigation game: does adaptation promote participation in international environmental agreements?
Linda Mederake, Barbara Saerbeck, & Nina Kolleck, Cultivated ties and strategic communication: do international environmental secretariats tailor information to increase their bureaucratic reputation?
Tobias Böhmelt, Environmental-agreement design and political ideology in democracies
Chaewoon Oh, Evaluation of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism’s contribution to an international climate policy framework
Richard Meissner, eThekwini’s green and ecological infrastructure policy landscape: research paradigms, theories and epistocrats
Jenna Dodson, Patricia Dérer, Philip Cafaro & Frank Götmark, Population growth, family planning and the Paris Agreement: an assessment of the nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
Kirsten Davies, Michelle Lim, Tianbao Qin & Philip Riordan, CHANS-Law: preventing the next pandemic through the integration of social and environmental law
Olusola Joshua Olujobi, Daniel E. Ufua, Uchechukwu Emena Okorie & Mercy E. Ogbari , Carbon emission, solid waste management, and electricity generation: a legal and empirical perspective for renewable energy in Nigeria
Gulnara Balgimbekova, Roza Zhamiyeva, Abzal Serikbayev, Bulatbek Shnarbayev & Amanbek Mashabayev , International legal aspects of countering environmental terrorism in the context of modern trends in radical environmentalism