Wednesday, May 25, 2022

New Issue: European Journal of International Relations

The latest issue of the European Journal of International Relations (Vol. 28, no. 2, June 2022) is out. Contents include:
  • Andy Hanlun Li, From alien land to inalienable parts of China: how Qing imperial possessions became the Chinese Frontiers
  • Linus Hagström & Niklas Bremberg, Aikido and world politics: a practice theory for transcending the security dilemma
  • George Kyris, State recognition and dynamic sovereignty
  • Tobias Theiler, International functionalism and democracy
  • Kyle Rapp, Justifying force: international law, foreign policy decision-making, and the use of force
  • Jessica Di Salvatore, Sara M. T. Polo, & Andrea Ruggeri, Do UN peace operations lead to more terrorism? Repertoires of rebel violence and third-party interventions
  • Arthur Stein, Committed sponsors: external support overtness and civilian targeting in civil wars
  • Giovanni Agostinis & Carlos Closa, Democracies’ support for illiberal regimes through sovereignty-protective regional institutions: the case of UNASUR’s electoral accompaniment missions
  • Ryan Grauer & Dominic Tierney, The democratic embargo: regime type and proxy war
  • Hyo Won Lee & Sijeong Lim, Making sense of citizen desire for IO democracy: an analysis of public opinion across 44 countries
  • Thomas M. Dolan, Ultimatums, bargaining, and the duty to preserve alternatives to war