The latest issue of the
Nordic Journal of International Law (Vol. 91, no. 1, 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Nordic Visions of International Migration and Refugee Law
Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen & Sarah Scott Ford, Introduction: Nordic Visions of International Migration and Refugee Law
Rebecca Thorburn Stern, Great Expectations?
Some Thoughts on the Impact of Incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child for Asylum-seeking Children in the Nordic Countries
Sarah Scott Ford, Nordic Migration Cases before the UN Treaty Bodies: Pathways of International Accountability?
Saila Heinikoski & Tatu Hyttinen, The Impact of Covid-19 on the Free Movement Regime in the North: Analysis of Border Closures in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
Matthew Scott & Russell Garner, Nordic Norms, Natural Disasters, and International Protection: Swedish and Finnish Practice in European Perspective
Jens Vedsted-Hansen, Legislative and Judicial Strategies in Danish Law: Accommodation or Evasion of International Obligations?
Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen & Sune Klinge, Arctic Asylum: The Legal Regulation of Asylum-Seekers and Refugees in Greenland and Svalbard
Nikolas Feith Tan, Policy Analysis: Visions of the Realistic? Denmark’s Legal Basis for Extraterritorial Asylum
- Memorial Lecture
James C. Hathaway, Atle Grahl-Madsen, Founder of the Academic Discipline of Refugee Law