The latest issue of the
Journal of World Intellectual Property (Vol. 25, no. 1, March 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Sławomir Czetwertyński, Institutional incongruence and unauthorized copying in Poland
Saudin J. Mwakaje, Protection of geographical indications and cross-border trade: A survey of legal and regulatory frameworks in East Africa
Lavinia Brancusi, The Procrustean fitting of trade marks under the requirements of clear and precise subject-matter in the EU trade mark law—A case of position marks
Dyah P. B. Asri, Edy Sriyono, Murti A. Hapsari, & Savira A. Syahrin, Valuing local heritage: Issue and challenges of geographical indication protection for local artisans in Indonesia Kasongan village heritage
Mirna de L. Medeiros & João L. Passador, Examining the development attributed to geographical indications
Danny Friedmann, The rational construction of a universal register for distinctive wines and spirits GIs against dilution
Mohsin Shafi, Geographical indications and sustainable development of handicraft communities in developing countries
Lakshmi Kant & Faaiza Shahid, Managing intellectual property and technology commercialization: Experiences, success stories and lessons learnt—A case study from Vivekananda Institute of Hill Agriculture, India
Hongjiao Zhang & Fanhong Chen, Implied license doctrine in copyright law: A typological framework
Ahmad M. Ramli, Tasya S. Ramli, & Gabriela M. Hutauruk, Patent waiver on COVID-19 vaccine: Indonesian law perspective
Elizaveta A. Gromova, Natalia S. Koneva, & Elena V. Titova, Legal barriers to the implementation of digital industry (Industry 4.0) components and ways to overcome them
Gabriel M. do C. Cavalheiro & Mariana B. Cavalheiro, Assessing technological trends through patent landscaping: The case of Bitcoin
Pratyush Nath Upreti, A TWAIL critique of intellectual property and related disputes in investor-state dispute settlement
Pallavi Bhatia, Role of public interest in Trademark Law