The latest issue of the
Chinese Journal of International Law (Vol. 20, no. 3, September 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- Tom Ruys, Legal Standing and Public Interest Litigation— Are All Erga Omnes Breaches Equal?
Song Yan, Acquiescence and Its Role in the Settlement of Island Disputes: “Silence May also Speak”, But to What Extent?
- Special Editorial Comment
- Huang Huikang, China’s Contribution to the International Rule of Law since the Restoration of Its UN Seat 50 Years Ago
- Current Developments
- Alexander Orakhelashvili, Political Life of Treaties: Indeterminacy, Interpretation and Political Consequences
Chao Wang, Implementation of the ICCPR in Macao since 1999: The Position of Aliens as an Illustration