The latest issue of the
Nordic Journal of International Law (Vol. 90, no. 4, 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Astrid Kjeldgaard-Pedersen, Nordic Journal of International Law at 90
Asbjørn Møller-Christensen & David Michael Kendal, State Immunity in Danish Law
Tarja Långström, Jurisdictional Immunity of States in the Evolving Practice of the Finnish Courts
Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik, State Immunity in Norwegian Courts: Recent Developments, Current Challenges and the Way Forward
Tamsin Phillipa Paige, The Bear and the Dragon: Pragmatism and State-centric International Law in the UN Security Council
Pekka Niemelä & Tuija von der Pütten, The Investment Protection Rules of the EU-Canada Trade: Agreement Emulating the Rule of Law or Still Granting Supersized Protection to Investors? A Case Study on Industrial Mining in Finland