The latest issue of the
Human Rights Law Review (Vol. 21, no. 3, September 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Ahmed Almutawa, The Arab Court of Human Rights and the Enforcement of the Arab Charter on Human Rights
Aleisha Ebrahimi, Breastfeeding in Refugee Camps: A Child and Maternal Right?
Yeshe Colliver & Holly Doel-Mackaway, Article 31, 31 Years On: Choice and Autonomy as a Framework for Implementing Children’s Right to Play in Early Childhood Services
Emma Palmer, Regulating Infrastructure: Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals in Myanmar
Antonio Di Marco, Athletes’ Freedom of Expression: The Relative Political Neutrality of Sport
Aaron Fellmeth & Nourin Abourahma, The Human Right to Suicide under International Law
Michael Ramsden, The Crime of Genocide in General Assembly Resolutions: Legal Foundations and Effects
Yvonne Daly, Anna Pivaty, Diletta Marchesi, & Peggy ter Vrugt, Human Rights Protections in Drawing Inferences from Criminal Suspects’ Silence
Elif Erken, Non-Governmental Organisations and National Human Rights Institutions monitoring the execution of Strasbourg Judgments: An Empirical Perspective on Rule 9 Communications
Toon Moonen & Laurens Lavrysen, Abstract but Concrete, or Concrete but Abstract? A Guide to the Nature of Advisory Opinions under Protocol No 16 to the ECHR