The latest issue of
Global Constitutionalism (Vol. 10, no. 1, March 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- Su Bian, Political but incontestable: A review of ‘political constitutionalism’ in China
Berihun Adugna Gebeye, Global constitutionalism and cultural diversity: The emergence of jurisgenerative constitutionalism in Africa
Special Issue: Judicial Authority, Legitimacy and the (International) Rule of Law
Knut Traisbach, Judicial authority, legitimacy and the (international) rule of law as essentially contested and interpretive concepts: Introduction to the special issue
Jeremy Waldron, The rule of law and the role of courts
Brian Z. Tamanaha, Always imperfectly achieved rule of law: Comments on Jeremy Waldron
Andreas Follesdal, International human rights courts and the (international) rule of law: Part of the solution, part of the problem, or both?
Gianluigi Palombella, Non-arbitrariness, rule of law and the ‘margin of appreciation’: Comments on Andreas Follesdal
Geir Ulfstein, Transnational constitutional aspects of the European Court of Human Rights
Wojciech Sadurski, Quasi-constitutional court of human rights for Europe? Comments on Geir Ulfstein
Knut Traisbach, A transnational judicial public sphere as an idea and ideology: Critical reflections on judicial dialogue and its legitimizing potential
Friedrich Kratochwil, Law as an argumentative practice: On the pitfalls of confirmatory research, false necessities, and (Kantian) stupidity – Comments on Knut Traisbach