The latest issue of
Trade, Law and Development (Vol. 12, no. 2, Winter 2020) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial
- Amogh Pareek & Gautami Govindrajan, In Sickness and In Health: Navigating Trade in a Post-Pandemic World
- Articles
Antony Taubman, Framing a Multilateral Trade and Innovation Agenda to Advance the Sustainable Development Goals: The Intellectual Property Dimension
Rafael Leal-Arcas, Samuel Balzano, Jakkrit Deethae, Tanvir Singh, & Kristina Skybova, Of International Trade, Climate Change, Investment and a Prosperous Future
Julia Ya Qin, WTO Reform: Multilateral Control over Unilateral Retaliation – Lessons from the US-China Trade War
Indira Carr, Preventing Corruption in the Public Sector and the Principal-Agent-Client Model: Whither Integrity?
Andrew Mitchell & Dean Merriman, Indonesia’s WTO Challenge to the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive: Palm Oil & Indirect Land-Use Change
Donatella Alessandrini, The Time that Binds the ‘Trade-Development’ Nexus in International Economic Law
Delroy Beckford, National Treatment in the WTO: Abandoning Regulatory Purpose or Reinvigorating it?