The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 54, no. 6, 2020) is out. Contents include:
- Wolfgang Weiß, Adjudicating Security Exceptions in WTO Law: Methodical and Procedural Preliminaries
Siqi Li & Xinquan Tu, Reforming WTO Subsidy Rules: Past Experiences and Prospects
Gabriel Gari, China’s Preferential Treatment on Trade in Services: Is the Sleeping Dragon About to Wake Up?
Alessandra Moroni, Bregt Natens, & Arnoud Willems, Hurdles to Litigating Trade Defence Measures Before the EU Courts
Ronald Eberhard Tundang, US–China Trade War An Impetus for New Norms on Technology Transfer
Dukgeun Ahn & Hyerim Kim, Judicial Conflicts between Panels and the Appellate Body in the WTO Safeguard Jurisprudence
Weizhan Meng & Xinkai Zeng, How Should China Respond to Trump’s New Round of Trade War? An Unprecedented Debate Among Chinese IR Scholars