The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 24, no. 10, 2020) is out. Contents include:
- Michael P. Donnelly, Democracy and sovereignty vs international human rights: reconciling the irreconcilable?
Andika Wahab, The state of human rights disclosure among sustainably certified palm oil companies in Malaysia
Ian Turner, Conceptualising a protection of liberal constitutionalism post 9/11: an emphasis upon rights in the social contract philosophy of Thomas Hobbes
Miriam Cohen, Doing business abroad: a review of selected recent Canadian case-studies on corporate accountability for foreign human rights violations
Julie Ada Tchoukou, Religion as an ideological weapon and the feminisation of culture in Nigeria: a critical analysis of the textuality of violence through the legal regulation of child marriages
Heather Smith-Cannoy, Wendy H. Wong, Arjumand Siddiqi, Christopher Tait & Abtin Parnia, When everyone agrees: human rights norms on women and children and their effects on health
Frederik J. Zuiderveen Borgesius, Strengthening legal protection against discrimination by algorithms and artificial intelligence
Ergul Celiksoy, ‘UK exceptionalism’ in the ECtHR’s jurisprudence on irreducible life sentences
Malayna Raftopoulos & Joanna Morley, Ecocide in the Amazon: the contested politics of environmental rights in Brazil
Andrew M. Robinson, Governments must not wait on courts to implement UNDRIP rights concerning Indigenous sacred sites: lessons from Canada and Ktunaxa Nation v. British Columbia
Mauricia John, A critical approach to understanding human trafficking in the Caribbean
Dag Øistein Endsjø, The other way around? How freedom of religion may protect LGBT rights
David M. Doyle, Marie Muldoon & Clíodhna Murphy, Education in Ireland: accessible without discrimination for all?