- Editorial
- Tom Sparks, Visa Kurki & Saskia Stucki, Animal rights: interconnections with human rights and the environment
- Special Issue: (Legal) Animal Rights
- Juan Pablo Mañalich R., Animalhood, interests, and rights
- Joshua Jowitt, Legal rights for animals: aspiration or logical necessity?
- Joe Wills, Animal rights, legal personhood and cognitive capacity: addressing ‘levelling-down’ concerns
- Guillaume Futhazar, The conceptual challenges of invasive alien species to non-human rights
- Maneesha Deckha, Veganism, dairy, and decolonization
- Iyan Offor, Second wave animal ethics and (global) animal law: a view from the margins
- Brian Favre, Is there a need for a new, an ecological, understanding of legal animal rights?
Thursday, October 1, 2020
New Issue: Journal of Human Rights and the Environment
The latest issue of the Journal of Human Rights and the Environment (Vol. 11, no. 2, September 2020) is out. Contents include: