- Articles
- Jessica Edry, Shallow commitments may bite deep: domestic politics and flexibility in international cooperation
- Yooneui Kim & Elizabeth J. Menninga, Competition, Aid, and Violence against Civilians
- Paulina Pospieszna & Patrick M. Weber, Amplifying and nullifying the impact of democratic sanctions through aid to civil society
- Clayton Webb, Re-examining the costs of sanctions and sanctions threats using stock market data
- Andrew Levin, Whitewashing and extortion: why human rights-abusing states participate in UN peacekeeping operations
- Gary Uzonyi, Group identification, uncertainty, and the duration of genocide and politicide
- Research Note
- Paul Winter & Enzo Lenine, Survival of the best fit: modelling nuclear proliferational evidence
Friday, October 23, 2020
New Issue: International Interactions
The latest issue of International Interactions (Vol. 46, no. 5, 2020) is out. Contents include: