The latest issue of
Trade, Law and Development (Vol. 12, no. 1, Summer 2020) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Trade in Services: A Holistic Solution to New-Found Issues in Trade Law?
Rudolf Adlung, The GATS – A Sleeping Beauty?
Petros C. Mavroidis, And You Put the Load Right on Me: Digital Taxes, Tax Discrimination and Trade in Services
- Andreas Maurer, Overview on available trade statistics and tools to assess Trade in Services
- Markus Krajewski, The
Hildegunn Kyvik Nordas, Telecommunications: The Underlying Transport Means for Services Exports
Weiwei Zhang, Blockchain: Replacing, Eliminating and Creating Trade in Services
Mira Burri, Trade in Services Regulation in the Data-Driven Economy
Pralok Gupta, Sunayana Sasmal, The Curious Case of Trade Facilitation in Services: Rejected Multilaterally but Adopted Bilaterally and Plurilaterally
- Ben Shepherd, Quantifying Trade Law: New Perspectives on the Services Trade Restrictiveness Index
Sunanda Tewari & Prakhar Bhardwaj,
Situating India’s Mode 4 Commitments in Geopolitics and Political Economy: The Case of GATS 2000 Proposal, India-Singapore CECA and India-ASEAN TiS