- Marc Bungenberg & Andrés E. Alvarado Garzón, One Size Fits All? Transparency in Investment and Commercial Arbitration
- Janet C. Checkley, Cross-Border Enforcement of Mediated Settlement Agreements and Potential Impact on the Practice of International Arbitration
- Nataša Hadžimanović, Third-Party Funding in Arbitration: A Case for Mandatory Disclosure?
- Almir Gagula, Arbitrability of Shareholder Disputes in Bosnian Law
- Aliz Káposznyák, Intra-EU Arbitral Awards After Achmea: Recognition and Enforcement Within the European Union Under the New York Convention
- Ilma Kasumagić, Granting and Enforcing Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Anna Piszcz, EU Directive on Unfair Trading Practices in Business-to-Business Relationships in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain: Dipping a Toe in the Regulatory Waters?
- Emilia Mišćenić, The Effectiveness of Judicial Enforcement of the EU Consumer Protection Law
- Adnan Mahmutovic and Nermina Memic-Mujagic, The Democratic Deficit of the EU: Two Schools Under One Roof
- Jasmina Alihodžić, Some Private International Law Aspects of European Economic Migration
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Inaugural Volume: Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law
The inaugural volume of the Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law (Vol. 2019) is out. Contents include: