The latest issue of
Global Society (Vol. 34, no. 3, 2020) is out. Contents include:
- International Institutions in a Stratified International Society: Reproducing and Transforming Inequalities
Caroline Fehl & Katja Freistein, Organising Global Stratification: How International Organisations (Re)Produce Inequalities in International Society
Thomas Müller, Institutional Reforms and the Politics of Inequality Reproduction: The Case of the League of Nations’ Council Crisis in 1926
Katharina P. Coleman, United Nations Peacekeeping Decisions: Three Hierarchies, Upward Mobility and Institutionalised Inequality among Member States
Lora Anne Viola, “Systemically Significant States”: Tracing the G20’s Membership Category as a New Logic of Stratification in the International System
Miriam Prys-Hansen, Differentiation as Affirmative Action: Transforming or Reinforcing Structural Inequality at the UNFCCC?
Dirk Peters, Justifying Inequality as Equality: Germany and the Reform of Voting Weights in the Council of the European Union
Clara Weinhardt, Emerging Powers in the World Trading System: Contestation of the Developing Country Status and the Reproduction of Inequalities
Paul Cammack, Reproduction Versus Transformation: The Case of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank