The latest issue of the
Chinese Journal of International Law (Vol. 19, no. 1, March 2020) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- Miguel Lemos, Jus Cogens Versus the Chapter VII Powers of the Security Council: With Particular References to Humanitarian Intervention and Terrorism
Carlo Focarelli, International Human Rights “in Crisis” and the Neoliberalization of the Human Person
William S Dodge, Jurisdiction, State Immunity, and Judgments in the Restatement (Fourth) of US Foreign Relations Law
Deming Huang & Qintong Shan, The Immunity of Judge Akay of the MICT
- Comment
- Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez & Alfredo Crosato, General Principles of Law: The First Debate within the International Law Commission and the Sixth Committee
Letters to the Journal
- Xiao Mao, Self-Defence and Attribution of Armed Attacks in the Context of Anti-Terrorism
Haomei Li, Coastal State Jurisdiction in the “Norstar” Case at the ITLOS
George Forji Amin, A Marxist and TWAIL Reading of the Oxford Handbook of the Sources of International Law