- Bretton Woods Forum
- Orfeo Fioretos & Eugénia C. Heldt, Legacies and innovations in global economic governance since Bretton Woods
- Eric Helleiner, The life and times of embedded liberalism: legacies and innovations since Bretton Woods
- Orfeo Fioretos, Minilateralism and informality in international monetary cooperation
- Eugénia C. Heldt & Henning Schmidtke, Explaining coherence in international regime complexes: How the World Bank shapes the field of multilateral development finance
- Original Articles
- Susanne Lütz, Sven Hilgers & Sebastian Schneider, Accountants, Europeanists and Monetary Guardians: bureaucratic cultures and conflicts in IMF-EU lending programs
- Ben Clift, Contingent Keynesianism: the IMF’s model answer to the post-crash fiscal policy efficacy question in advanced economies
- Emanuele Ferragina, The political economy of family policy expansion
- Lena Maria Schaffer & Gabriele Spilker, Self-interest versus sociotropic considerations: an information-based perspective to understanding individuals’ trade preferences
- Amy Reynolds, Evaluating trade policies: the political engagement of religious actors in Costa Rica, Canada, and the United States
- Antulio Rosales, Radical rentierism: gold mining, cryptocurrency and commodity collateralization in Venezuela
- Jacob a. Hasselbalch, Framing brain drain: between solidarity and skills in European labor mobility
- Felix Mantz, Decolonizing the IPE syllabus: Eurocentrism and the coloniality of knowledge in International Political Economy
Friday, November 8, 2019
New Issue: Review of International Political Economy
The latest issue of the Review of International Political Economy (Vol. 26, no. 6, 2019) is out. Contents include: