The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 19, no. 5, 2019) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: The Ethnography of Armed Conflict
Noha Aboueldahab, The Ethnography of Armed Conflict – Introduction
Elena Butti & Brianne McGonigle Leyh, Intersectionality and Transformative Reparations: The Case of Colombian Marginal Youths
Noura Erakat, The Sovereign Right to Kill: A Critical Appraisal of Israel’s Shoot-to-Kill Policy in Gaza
Jaymelee Kim & Tricia Redeker Hepner, Of Justice and the Grave: The Role of the Dead in Post-conflict Uganda
Michelle Lokot, Challenging Sensationalism: Narratives on Rape as a Weapon of War in Syria
Alicia de la Cour Venning, Revolutionary Law Abidance: Kachin Rebel Governance and the Adoption of IHL in Resistance to Myanmar State Violence