The latest issue of
Trade, Law and Development (Vol. 11, no. 1, Summer 2019) is out. Contents include:
- 10th Anniversary Special Issue: Trade Facilitation
Nora Neufeld, Great Expectations: How the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement Impacts Trade and Trade Cooperation
Maureen Irish, The Trade Facilitation Agreement: Is the Doha Development Round Succeeding?
- Mohammed Saeed, The ‘Rights’ of the Private Sector in the Trade Facilitation Agreement
- Bipin Menon, Trade Facilitation—A Boundless Opportunity for India
Stephen Creskoff, India’s Path to Improved Trade Facilitation and Enhanced Economic Development
- Christina Wiederer, The Role of Logistics in Supporting International Trade and Development—A Literature Review
Hsing-Hao Wu, Refining the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement in the Face of an Uncertain Trade Environment: Challenges and Opportunities