The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 17, no. 2, May 2019) is out. Contents include:
- Current Events
Mirko Sossai, Identifying the Perpetrators of Chemical Attacks in Syria: The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons as Part of the Fight Against Impunity?
- Articles
Renana Keydar, ‘Lessons in Humanity’: Re-evaluating International Criminal Law’s Narrative of Progress in the Post 9/11 Era
- Richard Clements, ReVisiting the ICC Registry’s ReVision Project
- Symposium: On Crimes Committed Against the Rohingya
Beth Van Schaack, Determining the Commission of Genocide in Myanmar: Legal and Policy Considerations
- Payam Akhavan, The Radically Routine Rohingya Case: Territorial Jurisdiction and the Crime of Deportation under the ICC Statute
- Symposium: Balancing the Rights of the Accused and the Rights of the Victims
Joanna Nicholson & Juan-Pablo Pérez-León-Acevedo, Foreword
- Joanna Nicholson, ‘Too High’, ‘Too Low’, or ‘Just Fair Enough’? Finding Legitimacy Through the Accused’s Right to a Fair Trial
- Patryk I Labuda, The Flipside of Complementarity: Double Jeopardy at the International Criminal Court
- Haydee J Dijkstal, Destruction of Cultural Heritage before the ICC: The Influence of Human Rights on Reparations Proceedings for Victims and the Accused
- Caleb H Wheeler, Justice in the Absence of the Accused: Can the Rights of Victims be Fully Vindicated without the Participation of the Accused?
- Juan-Pablo Pérez-León-Acevedo, Assessing Victim Participation during Sentencing at the International Criminal Court