The latest issue of the
Review of International Political Economy (Vol. 26, no. 4, 2019) is out. Contents include:
- Amaney Jamal & Helen V. Milner, Economic self-interest, information, and trade policy preferences: evidence from an experiment in Tunisia
Caroline Granier & Nicolas Bedu,
The role of banks and the state in the shaping of the French fund industry
Jennifer Clapp, The rise of financial investment and common ownership in global agrifood firms
Huw Macartney & Paola Calcagno, All bark and no bite: the political economy of bank fines in Anglo-America
Mark P. Dallas, Stefano Ponte & Timothy J. Sturgeon, Power in global value chains
Igor Logvinenko, Before the interests are invested: disputes over asset control and equity market restrictions in Russia
Jonas Gamso, China’s rise and physical integrity rights in developing countries
Thomas Dietz, Marius Dotzauer & Edward S. Cohen, The legitimacy crisis of investor-state arbitration and the new EU investment court system