The latest issue of the
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (Vol. 34, no. 1, 2019) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Peaceful and Military Uses of the EEZ: Exploring the ‘Due Regard’ Obligation
- Charlotte Beaucillon & Yann Kerbrat, Peaceful and Military Uses of the EEZ: Exploring the ‘Due Regard’ Obligation: Introduction
Shotaro Hamamoto, The Genesis of the ‘Due Regard’ Obligations in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Mathias Forteau, The Legal Nature and Content of ‘Due Regard’ Obligations in Recent International Case Law
Rolf Einar Fife, Obligations of ‘Due Regard’ in the Exclusive Economic Zone: Their Context, Purpose and State Practice
Tullio Scovazzi, ‘Due Regard’ Obligations, with Particular Emphasis on Fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone
Yurika Ishii, The ‘Due Regard’ Obligation and the Peaceful and Economic Uses of the EEZ other than Fisheries
Frederik Naert, The European Union, Fisheries and ‘Due Regard’ in the EEZ: Some Reflections
Ioannis Prezas, Foreign Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone: Remarks on the Applicability and Scope of the Reciprocal ‘Due Regard’ Duties of Coastal and Third States
Geneviève Bastid Burdeau, The Respect of Other States’ Rights (Freedom of Navigation and Other Rights and Freedoms Set Out in the LOSC) as a Limitation to the Military Uses of the EEZ by Third States
Charlotte Beaucillon, Limiting Third States’ Military Activities in the EEZ: ‘Due Regard Obligations’ and the Law on the Use of Force Applied to Nuclear Weapons
Pascale Ricard, The Limitations on Military Activities by Third States in the EEZ Resulting from Environmental Law