The latest issue of the
International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 13, no. 1, March 2019) is out. Contents include:
- Special Section: Advancing Transitional Justice through Technologies
- Special Section Articles
- Oriana Bernasconi, Elizabeth Lira, & Marcela Ruiz, Political Technologies of Memory: Uses and Appropriations of Artefacts that Register and Denounce State Violence
Michelle E Anderson, Community-Based Transitional Justice Via the Creation and Consumption of Digitalized Storytelling Archives: A Case Study of Belfast’s Prisons Memory Archive
Tamy Guberek, Velia Muralles, & Hannah Alpert-Abrams, ‘Irreversible’: The Role of Digitization to Repurpose State Records of Repression
Daniela Gavshon & Erol Gorur, Information Overload: How Technology Can Help Convert Raw Data into Rich Information for Transitional Justice Processes
Notes from the Field
- Jean-Marie Chenou, Lina P Chaparro-Martínez, & Ana María Mora Rubio, Broadening Conceptualizations of Transitional Justice through Using Technology: ICTs in the Context of Justicia y Paz in Colombia
- Review Essay
- Patrick Vinck, Transitional Justice in the Age of Social Media
- General Issue Articles
- Matilda Keynes, History Education for Transitional Justice? Challenges, Limitations and Possibilities for Settler Colonial Australia
Kevin Hearty, Moral Emotions and the Politics of Blame and Credit during Transitional Justice Moments
Karin Dyrstad & Helga Malmin Binningsbø, Between Punishment and Impunity: Public Support for Reactions against Perpetrators in Guatemala, Nepal and Northern Ireland
- Review Essay
- Cécile Aptel & Patrick Nagler, Children and Transitional Justice