Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Kassoti: The EU and Western Sahara: an assessment of recent developments

Eva Kassoti (The Hague Univ. - Law) has published The EU and Western Sahara: an assessment of recent developments (European Law Review, Vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 751-769, 2018). Here's the abstract:
The purpose of this comment is to take stock of recent developments regarding the EU’s relationship with Western Sahara by discussing the recent Front Polisario judgments, their reception in the literature and their possible repercussions on the pending litigation regarding the territory before the Union Courts. The comment not only sheds light on these important developments, but also directly feeds into the burgeoning debate regarding the CJEU’s approach to international law by examining how the Court approached questions of interpretation and application of cardinal principles of international law, such as the principle of self-determination.