The latest issue of
Legal Issues of Economic Integration (Vol. 45, no. 3, 2018) is out. Contents include:
- The Invisible Core of Values in the European Integration Project
Arnoud R. Willems & Matilda J. Brolin, The Unhappy Marriage of Customs and Anti-Dumping Legislation: Tensions Relating to Product Description and Origin
Láncos Petra Lea, Soft Structure vs. Soft Measure: Fleshing Out the Tension in EU Education Policy
- Pablo Lizarreta Barrios, Halal Certification and Labelling Requirements and the TBT Regime: A Case Study of the Indonesian Halal Act 33/2014
İlke Göçmen, Revealing the Potential of the EU – Turkey Customs Union: Case C-65/16, Istanbul Lojistik, 19 October 2017, ECLI:EU: C:2017:770
Isidora Maletić, A Very Specific and Exhaustive Harmonization of Energy from Renewable Sources: C-549/15, E.ON Biofor Sverige AB v. Statens Energimyndighet [2017] ECLI:EU:C:2017:490
Benjamin Jan, Mutual Recognition’s Failure in the Light of Free Movement of Food Supplements: Judgment of the CJEU, 27 April 2017, Noria Distribution SARL (Case C-672/15)