The latest issue of the
Journal of World Intellectual Property (Vol. 21, nos. 3-4, July 2018) is out. Contents include:
- Elsa Tsioumani, Beyond access and benefit‐sharing: Lessons from the law and governance of agricultural biodiversity
Gautam Sharma & Hemant Kumar, Intellectual property rights and informal sector innovations: Exploring grassroots innovations in India
Ramesh B. Karky, Bioinformatics innovations and patent eligibility
Archana Patnaik, Joost Jongerden, & Guido Ruivenkamp, Rights or ability: Access to plant genetic resources in India
Henrique Carvalho, The beginnings of copyright law in Macau
Gabriele Spina Alì, The 13th Round: Article 39(3) TRIPS and the struggle over “Unfair Commercial Use”
Prashant Reddy Thikkavarapu, The overlap between the Patents Acts and the plant variety protection & Farmer's Rights Act in India: A seed of doubt
Jessica C. Lai & Vikas Kathuria, “Restrictive Conditions” in patent law and the competition law interface