The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 21, no. 9, 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Transformative Reparations for Sexual Violence Post-conflict: Prospects and Problems
Andrea Durbach, Louise Chappell & Sarah Williams, Foreword
- Rashida Manjoo, Introduction: reflections on the concept and implementation of transformative reparations
- Luke Moffett, Reparations for victims at the International Criminal Court: a new way forward?
- Louise Chappell, The gender injustice cascade: ‘transformative’ reparations for victims of sexual and gender-based crimes in the Lubanga case at the International Criminal Court
- Christoph Sperfeldt, The trial against Hissène Habré: networked justice and reparations at the Extraordinary African Chambers
- Andrea Durbach & Lucy Geddes, ‘To shape our own lives and our own world’: exploring women’s hearings as reparative mechanisms for victims of sexual violence post-conflict
- Sarah Williams & Jasmine Opdam, The unrealised potential for transformative reparations for sexual and gender-based violence in Sierra Leone
- Catherine O’Rourke & Aisling Swaine, Gender, violence and reparations in Northern Ireland: a story yet to be told
- Sara E. Davies & Jacqui True, When there is no justice: gendered violence and harm in post-conflict Sri Lanka
- Maxine Marcus, Louise Chappell & Andrea Durbach, ‘Nothing about us, without us, is for us’: victims and the international criminal justice system