The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict Resolution (Vol. 61, no. 8, September 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- Sebastian Schutte, Violence and Civilian Loyalties: Evidence from Afghanistan
Miguel R. Rueda, Popular Support, Violence, and Territorial Control in Civil War
Cullen S. Hendrix & Idean Salehyan,
A House Divided:
Threat Perception, Military Factionalism, and Repression in Africa
Michael C. Horowitz, Paul Poast, & Allan C. Stam,
Domestic Signaling of Commitment Credibility:
Military Recruitment and Alliance Formation
Daniel McCormack & Henry Pascoe,
Sanctions and Preventive War
Timothy M. Peterson,
Export Diversity and Human Rights
Jeff Carter,
The Political Cost of War Mobilization in Democracies and Dictatorships
- Author Exchange
Philip Paolino, Surprising Events and Surprising Opinions: The Importance of Attitude Strength and Source Credibility
- Christopher Gelpi, The Surprising Robustness of Surprising Events: A Response to a Critique of “Performing on Cue”