The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict Resolution (Vol. 61, no. 6, June 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Nils W. Metternich, Shahryar Minhas, & Michael D. Ward, Firewall? or Wall on Fire? A Unified Framework of Conflict Contagion and the Role of Ethnic Exclusion
Katherine Sawyer, Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, & William Reed, The Role of External Support in Civil War Termination
Lindsay L. Heger & Danielle F. Jung, Negotiating with Rebels: The Effect of Rebel Service Provision on Conflict Negotiations
Clionadh Raleigh & Kars De Bruijne, Where Rebels Dare to Tread: A Study of Conflict Geography and Co-option of Local Power in Sierra Leone
Ursula Daxecker,
Dirty Hands: Government Torture and Terrorism
- Matthias Mader, Citizens’ Perceptions of Policy Objectives and Support for Military Action: Looking for Prudence in Germany
Lisa Hultman & Dursun Peksen, Successful or Counterproductive Coercion? The Effect of International Sanctions on Conflict Intensity