The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 51, no. 2, 2017) is out. Contents include:
Shin-yi Peng & Han-wei Liu, The Legality of Data Residency Requirements: How Can the Trans-Pacific Partnership Help?
Paolo R. Vergano & Tobias Dolle, Free Trade Agreements and Regulatory Change: Examples from the Generic and Biosimilar Sectors
Weihuan Zhou & Junfang Xi, China’s Liberalization of Legal Services Under the ChAFTA: Market Access or Lack of Market Access for Australian Legal Practices
Ching-Fu Lin, Toward a More Rounded Strategy to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products
Pravakar Sahoo, Niloptal Goswami, & Rahul Mazumdar, Trade Facilitation: Must for India’s Trade Competitiveness
Han-Wei Liu, Inside the Black Box: Political Economy of the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s Encryption Clause
Gabriele Gagliani, International Economic Disputes, Investment Arbitration and Intellectual Property: Common Descent and Technical Problems