- Articles
- Sheila Jasanoff, Subjects of reason: goods, markets and competing imaginaries of global governance
- Michelle Burgis-Kasthala, (In)dependent lives? International lawyers and the politics of state-building within the Palestinian advocacy field
- Lucas Lixinski, Moral, legal and archaeological relics of the past: portrayals of international cultural heritage law in cinema
- Books etc.
- Book Symposium
- David Kennedy, Introducing A World of Struggle
- Stephen Hopgood, Law and lawyers in a world after virtue
- Gina Heathcote, From ‘people with projects’ to ‘encountering expertise’: a feminist reading of Kennedy’s A World of Struggle
- Ben Fine, From performativity to the material culture of legal expertise?
Friday, January 13, 2017
New Issue: London Review of International Law
The latest issue of the London Review of International Law (Vol. 4, no. 3, November 2016) is out. Contents include: