- Panagiotis Delimatsis, Introduction: Climate change and trade law—challenges for governance and coordination
- Thomas Cottier & Tetyana Payosova, Common Concern and the Legitimacy of the WTO in Dealing with Climate Change
- Anastasios Gourgourinis, Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in Transnational Climate Change Governance and the WTO: A Tale of Two ‘Interconnected Worlds’ or a Tale of Two ‘Crossing Swords’?
- Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer & Pablo Arnaiz, Duty to Protect, Climate Change and Trade
- Erich Vranes, Carbon Taxes, PPMs and the GATT
- Joel P. Trachtman, WTO Law Constraints on Carbon Credit Mechanisms and Export Border Tax Adjustments
- Sadeq Z. Bigdeli, Feed-in Tariffs and the WTO Regulation of Subsidies – A Moment of Progressive Adjudication in Canada – Renewable Energy
- Panagiotis Delimatsis, Sustainable Standard-Setting, Climate Change and the TBT Agreement
- Michaël Alder, Aik Hoe Lim, & Ruosi Zhang, Climate Change and Services Trade: What Role for the GATS?
- Matthew Rimmer, Trade Wars in the TRIPS Council: Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer, and Climate Change
- Vitaliy Pogoretskyy & Sergii Melnyk, Energy security, climate change and trade: does the WTO provide for a viable framework for sustainable energy security?
- Joseph A. McMahon, Food Security and Agricultural Trade: An Early Warning for Climate Change!
- Mark Wu, The WTO Environmental Goods Agreement: From Multilateralism to Plurilateralism
- Roy Andrew Partain, Climate Change, Green Paradox Models and International Trade Rules
- Margaret A. Young, Trade Measures to Address Climate Change: Territory and Extraterritoriality
- Emily Reid, EU Climate Law and the WTO
- Floor Fleurke, EU Climate Law and Human Rights: New Prospects for Judicial Environmental Activism?
- James Munro, Climate Change in the TPP and the TTIP
- Angelos Dimopoulos, Climate Change and Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Identifying the Linkages
- J. Anthony VanDuzer, The Complex Relationship between International Investment Law and Climate Change Initiatives: Exploring the Tension
- Julien Chaisse, Rules and Disputes on Foreign Investment in Renewable Energies – Exploring the Nexus of Trade and Investment Treaties
- Ludivine Tamiotti & Daniel Ramos, Climate change mitigation and the WTO framework
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Delimatsis: Research Handbook on Climate Change and Trade Law
Panagiotis Delimatsis (Tilburg Univ. - Law) has published Research Handbook on Climate Change and Trade Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2016). Contents include: