The latest issue of the
World Trade Review (Vol. 15, no. 3, July 2016) is out. Contents include:
- John H. Jackson: A Tribute
L. Alan Winters
Pieter Jan Kuijper
Steve Charnovitz
William J. Davey
Alan Sykes
Debra P. Steger
Thomas Cottier
Alan V. Deardorff
Jagdish Bhagwati
Mitsuo Matsushita
Lee Ann Jackson
Emily Lydgate, Sorting Out Mixed Messages under the WTO National Treatment Principle:
A Proposed Approach
Jean-François Arvis, Yann Duval, Ben Shepherd, Chorthip Utoktham,
& Anasuya Raj, Trade Costs in the Developing World: 1996–2010
Haneul Jung & Jeongmeen Suh, Preventing Systematic Circumvention of the SCM Agreement: Beyond the Mandatory/Discretionary Distinction
- Weihuan Zhou, Circumvention and Anti-Circumvention: Rising Protectionism in Australia