- Chin Leng Lim, The worm's view of history and the twailing machine
- Kenneth J. Vandevelde, The liberal vision of the international law on foreign investment
- Leon Trakman & David Musayelyan, Caveat investors – where do things stand now?
- Gus Van Harten, Reforming the system of international investment dispute settlement
- David Schneiderman, The paranoid style of investment lawyers and arbitrators: investment law norm entrepreneurs and their critics
- Peter Muchlinski, The COMESA Common Investment Area: substantive standards and procedural problems in dispute settlement
- Karl P. Sauvant, Lessons from the negotiations of the United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations and related instruments
- Aniruddha Rajput, India and investment protection
- Wenhua Shan & Hongrui Chen, China-US BIT negotiation and the emerging Chinese BIT 4.0
- Kyla Tienhaara & Todd Tucker, Regulating foreign investment: Methanex revisited
- Howard Mann, The new frontier: economic rights of foreign investors versus government policy space for economic development
- Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder, Giving arbitrators carte blanche – fair and equitable treatment in investment treaties
- Chin Leng Lim, Is the umbrella clause not just another treaty clause?
- Jean Ho, Internationalisation and state contracts: are state contracts the future or the past?
- Jiangyu Wang, State capitalism and sovereign wealth funds: finding a 'soft' location in international economic law
- Chin Leng Lim, The many-headed hydra and laws which rage of gain, a chapter in conclusion
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Lim: Alternative Visions of the International Law on Foreign Investment
C.L. Lim (Univ. of Hong Kong - Law) has published Alternative Visions of the International Law on Foreign Investment: Essays in Honour of Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah (Cambridge Univ. Press 2016). Contents include: