This editorial addresses the current state and prospects of international criminal law (ICL) scholarship. The moment is opportune for such a reflection. The questions raised by the production and dissemination of international legal scholarship have gained prominence lately and the professional functions of international legal scholars have been the subject of renewed interest and debate. To give an impulse to a similar debate in ICL, I will try to capture the zeitgeist of its academia and offer some observations on the positioning of ICL scholarship vis-à-vis practice. Perspectives from this specialized field may enrich the existing conceptualizations of international legal scholarship and provide a new angle on its place within the profession.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Vasiliev: On Trajectories and Destinations of International Criminal Law Scholarship
Sergey Vasiliev (VU Univ. Amsterdam - Law) has posted On Trajectories and Destinations of International Criminal Law Scholarship (Leiden Journal of International Law, forthcoming). Here's the abstract: