The latest issue of
International Legal Materials (Vol. 54, no. 2, 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Metal-Tech Ltd. v. Republic of Uzbekistan (ICSID), with introductory note by Djurdja Lazic and Charbel Moarbes
Agreement Between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on the Status of NATO Forces and NATO Personnel Conducting Mutually Agreed NATO-led Activities in Afghanistan & Security and Defense Cooperation Agreement Between the United States of America and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, with introductory note by Peter M. Olson
Report on the Protection of Civilians in the Non International Armed Conflict in Iraq: 5 June – 5 July 2014; Human Rights Council Resolution S-22/1; & Security Council Resolutions 2170, 2178, with introductory note by Jonathan P. Worboys
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Government of Australia, Relating to the Settlement of Refugees in Cambodia & UNHCR Response to Australia-Cambodia Agreement on Refugee Relocation, with introductory note by Ryan Harrington