The latest issue of
Global Trade and Customs Journal (Vol. 10, no. 4, 2015) is out. Contents include:
Cherise M. Valles, Appellate Body Report in China: Rare Earths – Addressing Violations of WTO-Plus Obligations
Timothy Lyons, A Customs Union without Harmonized Sanctions: Time for Change?
Patricio Diaz Gavier, General Rule 5(b) for the Interpretation of the Tariff
Edwin Vermulst & Christofer Fjellner, An APO System in EU Trade Defence Investigations: No Guts, No Glory
Derk Bienen, The Quest for Finding the Balance between Transparency and Confidentiality in EU Trade Defence Cases
Doris Lin & Kaiwei Chan, Administrative Protective Orders in Taiwan Trade Remedy Proceedings
Darrel Pearson, Jessica Horwitz, Adrian B. Vazquez, & Patrick J. Togni, Additional Insights on APO Practice and Procedure in Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duty Proceedings in Canada, Mexico and the United States