The latest issue of the
International & Comparative Law Quarterly (Vol. 63, no. 3, July 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
Jonathan Hill, Determining the Seat of an International Arbitration: Party Autonomy and the Interpretation of Arbitration Agreements
Fernando Lusa Bordin, Reflections of Customary International Law: The Authority of Codification Conventions and ILC Draft Articles in International Law
Orla Lynskey, Deconstructing Data Protection: The ‘Added-Value’ of a Right to Data Protection in the EU Legal Order
Kasey L. McCall-Smith, Severing Reservations
Michael Ramsden, Reviewing the United Kingdom's ICCPR Immigration Reservation in Hong Kong Courts
Uta Kohl, Corporate Human Rights Accountability: The Objections of Western Governments to the Alien Tort Statute
Paul David Mora, The Alien Tort Statute After Kiobel: The Possibility for Unlawful Assertions of Universal Civil Jurisdiction Still Remains
- Shorter Articles and Notes
Lavanya Rajamani, The Warsaw Climate Negotiations: Emerging Understandings and Battle Lines on the Road to the 2015 Climate Agreement
Fan Yang, Applicable Laws to Arbitration Agreements Under Current Arbitration Law and Practice in Mainland China
Kristie Thomas, The Product Liability System in China: Recent Changes and Prospects