The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 48, no. 3, June 2014) is out. Contents include:
Erin Norma Hannah, The Quest for Accountable Governance: Embedded NGOs and Demand Driven Advocacy in the International Trade Regime
Sangeeta Khorana & Maria Garcia, Procurement Liberalization Diffusion in EU Agreements: Signalling Stewardship?
Trish Kelly, Tuna-Dolphin Revisited
Zhang Xiaotong, Zhang Ping, & Yang Xiaoyan, The EU’s New FTA Adventures and Their Implications for China
Holger P. Hestermeyer & Laura Nielsen, The Legality of Local Content Measures under WTO Law
Erik R. Lowe, Technical Regulations to Prevent Deceptive Practices: Can WTO Members Protect Consumers from [un] Fair-Trade Coffee and [Less-Than] Free-Range Chicken?
David Kleimann, Beyond Market Access?: The Anatomy of ASEAN’s Preferential Trade Agreements